deploy.jsp 4.91 KB
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<h4 class="text-success">生产环境部署</h4>
<p>1、配置生产环境数据库,数据库脚本在资源文件 scrip/Cat.sql。</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tomcat启动参数参考:-Xms20288m -Xmx20288m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=10144m -XX:MaxNewSize=10144m -XX:SurvivorRatio=10</p>
<xmp class="well">
	<config mode="client">
	                <server ip="" port="2280" http-port="8080"/>
	                <server ip="" port="2280" http-port="8080"/>
	                <server ip="" port="2280" http-port="8080"/>
<xmp class="well">
	<data-source id="cat">
	<data-source id="app">
<xmp class="well">
<!-- Configuration for production environment -->
<!-- Note: -->
<!-- 1. Set local-mode false to activate remote mode. -->
<!-- 2. If machine is job-machine, set job-machine true, you just need config only one machine. Job is offline for report aggreation, statistics report.-->
<!-- 3. If machine is alert-machine, set alert-machine true, you just need config only one machine. -->
<!-- 4. Cat can run without hdfs, you just config hdfs-machine false. If you have hdfs, you can config hdfs info for saving the logview info.  -->
<!-- 5. If you don't need hdfs, the logview will be stored in local disk. You can config max local-logivew-storage-time for cleaning up old logview, the unit is day. -->
<!-- 6. Please set hadoop environment accordingly. -->
<!-- 7. Please set ldap info for login the system. -->
<!-- 8. Please config remote-server if you have many cat servers. -->
<config local-mode="false" hdfs-machine="false" job-machine="false" alert-machine="false">
	<storage  local-base-dir="/data/appdatas/cat/bucket/" max-hdfs-storage-time="15" local-report-storage-time="7" local-logivew-storage-time="7">
		<hdfs id="logview" max-size="128M" server-uri="hdfs://" base-dir="logview"/>
		<hdfs id="dump" max-size="128M" server-uri="hdfs://" base-dir="dump"/>
		<hdfs id="remote" max-size="128M" server-uri="hdfs://" base-dir="remote"/>
	<console default-domain="Cat" show-cat-domain="true">
	<ldap ldapUrl="ldap://,DC=com"/>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;可以将10.1.1.1 部署为提供内部访问,并设置job-machine=true,alert-machine=true,让这台机器进行后续job以及告警处理,这些都可能影响到consumer性能。</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;将10.1.1.2, 处理全部监控请求,如果后续需要扩容,可以直接添加default-server的节点。</p>
<xmp class="well">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<router-config backup-server="" backup-server-port="2280">
   <default-server id="" port="2280" enable="true"/>
   <default-server id="" port="2280" enable="true"/>